What we will need for this book? Package manager and installations of tools needed for data analysis, visualisation and development.
- illustration
- data scraping, data analysis
- Basic Toolbox
In this book, we will use Anaconda distribution platform and Anaconda Navigator to manage our data science packages. It is good for version management and general overview of packages installed on your system, especially for a beginner.
In this chapter, we will:
- Install Anaconda (and learn how to setup Miniconda for the examples)
- Update and check the software packages
- Learn how to install packages via Anaconda Terminal and Anaconda Navigator
- Explore Anaconda Navigator, Channels and Environments
Anaconda or Miniconda?
Miniconda is minimalized version of Anaconda. You may install any of them, we will setup the environments and software later in the chapter anyways.
For Anaconda installation, run Windows Terminal as Administrator
winget install anaconda3
Alternatively, for Miniconda installation:
winget install miniconda3
conda install -c anaconda anaconda-navigator
For Anaconda or Miniconda installation, you will need individual installers. You can download the miniconda installer from and Anaconda installer from
- Download the .sh installer
- Make executable
- Choose Run in terminal option
- Accept license, and confirm running conda init
- Go to ~file/miniconda3/bin, open terminal in the directory
- Install anaconda navigator:
conda install -c anaconda anaconda-navigator
Run Anaconda Navigator
If the window is too zoomed in on your system, go to File ‣ Preferences and uncheck Enable high DPI scaling. Restart Anaconda Navigator.
Conda Installations of Packages
Spyder Python
Jupyter Notebook, Jupyter Lab
Orange Data Visualization
conda install -c anaconda spyder
conda update --all -y
conda update conda
conda install anaconda=VersionNumber
Meet Anaconda Navigator
conda install -c anaconda anaconda-navigator
- image
Version Management
For some scientific packages, you may need a specific version of programming language or environment.
You may create separate environments with separate installations of software, versions, and files.
Channels are locations of software repositories.
You can add a channel with Channels function of Anaconda-navigator, for instance:
Or you can use conda command from Anaconda prompt:
conda config --add channels conda-forge
To remove a channel use trash icon in the channels list.